Other Projects

Neon Souls

Official website (French only) | Download | Source Code

Integration project of Collège Lionel-Groulx, made as a team of 4 over 11 weeks. The game features a full-on Souls style fighting system, with a variety of enemy behaviour, stamina and health management, upgrades and map to explore, with a double boss encounter at the end to test the player's mettle.


Playground with input mapping | Source Code

pixi-physics is a 2d physics engine built as a plugin for the Pixijs 2d rendering engine.

It supports collision detection and collision response between circle and polygon rigid bodies. Bodies have customizable friction and restitution, can be static, and events can be intercepted for collision events.

The x movement, y movement, and rotation can be locked, and forces and impulses can be applied to the bodies. There is also a layer system, allowing to not make specific bodies interact with each other.

The engine supports multiple broad phases:

Star Pattern

Test in browser | Source Code

A recreation of the animated star background seen in Persona 5. The effect was done using GLSL fragment shaders, and Pixijs to render different versions of the shader with varying offset and color placed all over the screen.